




Street Musician Project

I often stop to hear street musicians and wondered what inspires them, what gives the the guts and drive to put themselves out there like that. I have been curious to know what makes them tick and what their stories are.


Because of this curiosity, a built in musical inspiration and admiration is what inspired me to get out there and start meeting them.


This project involves, photography, video, audio interviews and painting.

Photo Essays


Key Appleseeds

Geo and Chikara

Natalia "Saw Lady" Paruz

The Paintings

These videos are part of a project on New York City Buskers (street musicians).


These are time-lapsed videos of me working on a paintings of the musicians that I interviewed and photographed. The project consists of a series of photographic essays and painted portraits.

Geo and Chikara

Key Appleseeds

Natalia "Saw Lady" Paruz

@2016 Aaron Porter All Rights Reserved